Humankind, Evolve Already!

September 24, 2010

I’d like to believe that one day in the future humankind will “grow up” to a point that there is no need for religion. Why do people need that crutch?

It is in my experience that people seeking religion feel like they are missing something in their life. It just happens that their picked religion fills what ever imaginary gap they had.

Then there’s the group of kids that had something horrible happen in their life and they’ve used religion to cope with it.

Next up is the group that are assholes their entire life. Spending their time stealing or whatever. When they find religion they change their ways.

What do all these groups seek? God? I don’t think so. I think it’s acceptance. Maybe they had some bad child hood. Some people just need that feeling in their life. Someone to tell them they love them and that even though they are a fuck up, everything going to be okay.

The unfortunate thing is by the time you figure out that you wasted a significant part if you life giving your time and money away to some false prophet, you’re dead.

It’s the uneducated, noncontributing religious hypocrites that really bother me. Plus the fact that they think they found something that I haven’t and it’s their personal duty to enlighten me. All the while they are likely to be wasting their time worshiping a false god that was ripped off from many other religions 2000 years ago in an act to control the people.

I laugh in school when they teach roman and Greek mythology and tell people how funny it is that these “gods” were once worshiped. As if those gods were less real then the one true god, Jesus Christ.

I feel out of place

September 7, 2010

I feel out of place. Especially at work. I’m not like my coworkers. One time they saw a picture of my wife and acted all surprised that she was good looking. I don’t understand why that would be a surprise.

I don’t think that they all are really stupid people, but I am aware that I am smarter than most of them. It’s not like I want to be. Things just come easier to me for some reason. The part that’s ironic is that I barely passed high school. I honestly feel like I became more intelligent in my 20’s. Things became easier to me. I don’t know…

I do know that when I joined the military I scored really high. I believe I was above 90 in every category. So maybe I learned a different kind of intelligence in my early 20’s.

I guess the part that’s frustrating is I don’t have any idea what to do with my intellect. I feel like I missed out. I missed my chance. If I hadn’t gotten married at such a young age, and had a child, who knows where I’d be. Given the opportunity I think I could do almost anything. Not anything. I’m above average, not über smart.

I scored a job that I really wanted. You know how things go once you get what you really want. The grass is always greener, yadda yadda. It’s not that. I don’t mind my job, I just don’t feel challenged. I wish someone would give me a chance and let me accomplish something.

That brings us back to the school thing again. Ugh. Why don’t I find something to go to school for and just do that? Could I make more money? Maybe, maybe not.

You’re toast? Im toast!

September 6, 2010

Today I saw a decal in a minivan that said “Without the bread of life, you’re toast.” it included a picture of a giant Jesus fish. Call me dumb but don’t you need bread to make toast? -I hate religion-

Old people, young people

September 6, 2010

Sometimes I wander around just looking at people. No one in peticular. Old people young people… The baby boomer generation has one of the most unique lifespans. Some possibly lived in homes with dirt floors as children and now we have portable devices where younger generations can text or look things up at their whim.

At this point in my life I am the oldest of that younger generation. I embrace new things while older people try to fight it. Inside, I really can’t wait until they die off. Perhaps in the coming decades humans will realize they need to stop being selfish. How long until people understand that there is no Christian god? What does it take?? It’s so simple. I guess most people still need that crutch. Who knows.

Where do you suppose my see I told ya so goes?

September 6, 2010

If I’m right about expiring earlier than the average human, then so be it. I’d that the ultimate see I told you so? I suppose my some measure it is.

Other times in my life I have prepared myself for other shortcomings. Blindness for example, as often as possible I shower in the dark. As if it could prepare me for such a fate. How rediculous it all actually is. But I persevere, truth is, I sort of enjoy the challenge. But in such an event(blindness) I would try to excell as best I know how and maybe, just maybe all those day of dark showers would help me adapt quicker.

And for what?? I’d still be blind.

Miley, why oh WHY?!?

September 6, 2010

I gave her a fair chance, but after a thorough review, I have concluded that Miley Cyrus is a terrible entertainer.

Visuals, non-fluid and uncoordinated.
Vocals, simply terrible and electronically altered.
Lyrics, unimaginative and not hers.

Another unfortunate feature of Miley Cyrus is her clumpy appearance in general. All this goes without mentioning her horrific acting and the fact she takes slutty pictures of herself and children STILL want her to be their role model.

Lets go to the beach!!

November 17, 2009

I have never really understood peoples fascination with the beach. What does it mean to them? I suppose it means something a little bit different to everyone.

It’s not that I hate or despise the beach or ocean for that matter. It’s just that people seem to be really thrilled at the thought or sight of the ocean.

If anything the beach makes me feel small. Small in a sense that there’s a body of water that seemingly goes on for an eternity. Small in a sense that I am quite literally surrounded by trillions of grains of sand. This makes me realize how insignificantly small we are in the grand scheme of the universe.

It’s not that I’ve never had this realization before, it’s just that I’ve never written it down. I’ve never had a device that I could record my thoughts at any whim.